Upcoming productions of The Scarlet Letter

I’m pleased to announce that The Scarlet Letter, my opera with David Mason, will have two productions in 2022:

at The University of Oklahoma: February 10 – 13, 2022, in a production directed by Beth Greenberg

and at Wichita State University: April 7-10, 2022.

 The opera was commissioned by The University of Central Arkansas through Robert Holden and the UCA Opera Program and premiered at UCA in November 2008. Opera Colorado presented the professional world premiere in May 2016. The live recording of that production was released on Naxos in 2017 to critical acclaim:

The first thing that leaps into one’s ears is the sheer beauty of the music. Laitman has devoted much of her career to the art song, and her ability to meld words with lyrical, often soaring lines is on abundant display in her opera. (Gramophone Magazine)

The recording was also named a Critic’s Choice by Opera News and one of the top 5 CDs of 2018 by Fanfare Magazine

For a “Behind the Curtain” look at the Opera Colorado production, please click here.