Andrew Garland: American Portraits

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“Baritone and pianist both capture the right tone for Laitman’s musically allusive, thoughtfully calibrated yet crowd-pleasing treatment of Lux’s drolly observed quotidian pictures.” (Opera News)

“Completing the collection is Lori Laitman’s entertaining Men with Small Heads, which springs upon the listener one delightful surprise after another. The earnest conversational tone of the first song and its sense of fun is a breath of fresh air, as is the mock melodrama and swirling contrasts of “Refrigerator 1957.” The third song, “A Small Tin Parrot Pin,” is one of those songs that constantly shifts, albeit it in subtle fashion, and to deliver it with such precise ensemble and clarity is incredibly impressive. Anyone who fears snakes may be tempted to avoid the fourth and final song, but to do so would be to miss out on one of the most intriguing songs on the disk. Make sure you listen to the last moment, to experience the snake’s frightening strike. Laitman seems incapable of composing anything but captivating art songs, and her utterly unique voice is a vivid presence here.” (Journal of Singing)