1991 | soprano/piano; soprano/baritone/piano; soprano/mezzo/piano; SATB/piano.
Humorous encore song with words and music by Lori Laitman (b.1955).
To view soprano Katerina Burton, mezzo-soprano Magdalena Wór and pianist Martin Labazevitch performing the duet version on The Russian Chamber Art Society’s series at The French Embassy on 12.6.24, please click here.
Some newer editions may already have these corrections.
- 8, take some time.
- 15, there should be a crescendo on the shouted letters. I prefer for the accompanist to shout these letters.
- 49, it’s back to the jazz eights.
- 54, all of the soprano notes in the duo version can be Gs. Or the last two notes can be Gs. Or it can be sung as published.
- There are many versions of this piece, with minor changes being made quite frequently to the piano part. The current edition is the one I prefer.
If you have an older copy, please contact me for a complimentary updated score. To purchase the mp3 of Jennifer Check, Randall Scarlata and Warren Jones performing this song, please click here.