London Song Festival’s Emily Dickinson program Nov. 6, 2020

I am thrilled that 2 of my Four Dickinson SongsWill There Really Be A Morning? and She Died are included in London Song Festival’s Emily Dickinson program on November 6, 2020. Streaming in the States will be on November 7, 2020. The wonderful artists are soprano Anna Patalong, pianist Nigel Foster (who is also the Director of the Festival) and actress Sarah Lawrie (who stepped in for actress Sarah Berger on short notice).

Dickinson’s life will be explored through readings of her letters combined with performances of songs, including works by Aaron Copland, Andre Previn, John Duke, Lori Laitman, Julian Philips, Richard Pearson Thomas, Robert Owens, Richard Hageman, Raymond Yiu, Ernest Bacon and Jake Heggie.

For more information and tickets, please click here

To watch the concert on YouTube, first streaming on November 8, 2020, please click here